Saturday, 7 April 2012

My tokidoki collection!

Now if you know me personally, you'd know I have a soft spot for anything remotely cute or hello kitty. Out of this strange obsession and yes it is strange when your best friends have to answer the question 'why are you in the kids section looking for a birthday card if she's 19' my love of vinyl toys appeared, specifically tokidoki!

I'm in love with Simone lengos work and 90% of my collection as you'll see in this post is tokidoki! Amongst these I do have a gloomy bear kid robot figure which started my collection, I found it in the window of a charity shop and made my mum que outside for it the next day and at £1 it's the best buy I've ever had! and some skellanimals along with a little mermaid Barbie!

At the moment my collection is mainly based around Unicorno's and Cactus pals! As you have to buy unicorno's blind boxed I have a double of ritmo and bellina as well as dolce, mooka and pepperino I have singly! just 5 more to go till my collections complete, although something tells me i'll never complete my collection without spending too much on opened blind boxes on-line!

So this is how my shelf stands at the moment! I'm putting up another 2 just to compensate on room because I actually have nowhere else to store any more!

No matter how old I get I know there's one thing that will never change.. I will forever continue to collect vinyl figures, it captures my childhood in a heartbeat and I'll forever hold on to that.

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