so seems as my previous wreck this journal entries have gotten a response I wasn't expecting, Here's the third part of my wreck this journal Journey. I have to admit some of the posts In this blog are a little disappointing to the perfectionist inside of me but the whole point of 'wreck this journal' is to test yourself as well as the book and see how far your creativity will take you. so here we go:
Pages 158 & 159 - Glue a page from a magazine, circle words you like.
so I demolished my Company magazines and ended up with this; So clearly the page has the Beautiful Lily Allen and Rihanna but the main focus was the Zooey deschanel Interview from company <3
'Make Tea not war'
Pages 24 & 25 -
Scribble wildly, violently with reckless abandon.
Says what it is on the tin, scribble.. scribble.
Pages 4 & 5 - stand here, wipe your feet.
Yeah I actually hate feet and I hate this page! but yeah, wiped my Vans on here before i ended up with this can obviously see the damage they created? no.
Page 29 -Glue, staple, or tape these pages together.
Pointless placing of this page next to the tear strips, rip it up page really isn't it?
Page 27 Tear strips, rip it up.
Page before the last entry see the problem now? completed this at stupid o'clock in the morning hence the little imagination. Might redo this page eventually!
so yeah part three and hopefully the worst entry of this series! Really need to get my creative flow going again to make the journal the best it can be... before I destroy it by taking it in the shower. (maybe). there should be an update within the few days along with a small update on 'this is not a book' because I can't even explain how disappointed I was with it! but I will complete it, just not document it like this!