Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Wreck this Journal #3

so seems as my previous wreck this journal entries have gotten a response I wasn't expecting, Here's the third part of my wreck this journal Journey. I have to admit some of the posts In this blog are a little disappointing to the perfectionist inside of me but the whole point of 'wreck this journal' is to test yourself as well as the book and see how far your creativity will take you. so here we go: 

Pages 158 & 159 - Glue a page from a magazine, circle words you like.

so I demolished my Company magazines and ended up with this; So clearly the page has the Beautiful Lily Allen and Rihanna but the main focus was the Zooey deschanel Interview from company <3

'Make Tea not war'

Pages 24 & 25 -
Scribble wildly, violently with reckless abandon. 

Says what it is on the tin, scribble.. scribble. 

Pages 4 & 5 - stand here, wipe your feet. 

Yeah I actually hate feet and I hate this page! but yeah, wiped my Vans on here before i ended up with this can obviously see the damage they created? no. 

Page 29 -Glue, staple, or tape these pages together. 

Pointless placing of this page next to the tear strips, rip it up page really isn't it? 

Page 27 Tear strips, rip it up. 

Page before the last entry see the problem now? completed this at stupid o'clock in the morning hence the little imagination. Might redo this page eventually! 

so yeah part three and hopefully the worst entry of this series! Really need to get my creative flow going again to make the journal the best it can be... before I destroy it by taking it in the shower. (maybe). there should be an update within the few days along with a small update on 'this is not a book' because I can't even explain how disappointed I was with it! but I will complete it, just not document it like this! 

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Wreck this journal #2

so here's part 2 of my 'wreck this journal - Keri Smith' Journey! starting to get a little more daring as I go along in this book, even if I did freak out after spilling tea on it. As I stated before it defiantly is testing my perfectionism ways to the full, but it's the perfect remedy for being bored! I ordered 'This is not a book - Keri Smith' last night so I can't wait till that arrives! just giving me that extra boost to get my journal finished!

Page 33 - Fill this page with circles.

pictures self explanatory, I've had a drawing to bubbles since I was little so incorporated them into this! with a bubble blower at the bottom. All the seemly shaded parts are miniature circles too! 

Page 37 - Chew on this *warning do not swallow* 

yeah didn't fancy chewing on the page... 
so cut out a kinda bite mark out of it. 
so took the meaning and changed it... 

Page 11 - Draw fat lines and thin 

you can probably see the lines underneath, started it then changed my mind then ended up with this! Actually pretty pleased with how it turned out even if it did take over an hour to complete! 

Page 151 - space for negative comments 
(*what is your inner critic saying*)

actually scared me how easy I completed this. and how I'm struggling with 'page of good thoughts' i pray that I escape this rut soon! 

Page 148 & 149 - create a non stop line. 

yeah this page actually took the piss!
Not completely happy with how it turned out but what can you do! Maybe should have done it in black and white. 

Page 7 - pour, spill, drip, spit, fling your coffee here. 

so yeah I'm not a coffee drinker so I used tea which doesn't stain as much as coffee but it was enough to make me freak out, looked perfectly normal of me hair drying a book.........

And lastly the back page of my journal! 

added a photo of Audrey Kitching I had laying around and obviously a Hello Kitty too, would be wrong if either of these weren't incorporated into my journal somewhere. I also used a piece of Disney pink ribbon to use as a bookmark on the page I'm working on! 

so yeah, that's what's completed so far I've got 4 pages in progress! and now I'm actually prepared to 'Wreck this Journal' I'm sure there will be another update really soon! Not allowing myself to start 'this is not a book' until 90% of the journal is completed. 

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Tim Shumate Appreciation

So I know I've posted images by Tim Shumate before but I decided that he derserved an appreciation post because I honestly believe his illustrations are worth admiring, and this time next month I'll have two of his designs tattooed on me and I'm planning a third incorporated in my sleeve. 

Monday, 5 March 2012

Hello kitty cube craft

I decided to try the Hello Kitty Cube from :-
thinking it would be easy! but 3 hours later I completed it realising that it actually isn't and using normal A4 paper was a huge mistake!  So the Next one I make, which I will be making soon I'll use a tougher more durable paper! (it does specify that thicker paper is better on the page itself).

so yeah, the final product ....

I'm really happy with it, it has a few minor mistakes but for my first attempt it looks good amongst my vinyl toy collection!

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Freaking out because I can decide if I defiantly want this tattooed on my other thigh! I'm changing her hair, tattoo's and dress colour to suit Ariel (the little mermaid) grown up! so it represents me becoming an Adult as the little mermaid on my other thigh represents my childhood! I'm in love with the design but something is eating me up inside about it! I have a month left till my 19th and I'm already booked in for 3 hours. Looks like I might get my half sleeve done instead which is a shame because I wanted my thighs finished before summer, but I can honestly say I will never get inked unless I'm 100% sure on the design and that it has meaning.

I would hate to be my tattooist! 

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Tokidoki Love

tokidoki ("sometimes" in Japanese) is the Japanese-inspired lifestyle brand created in 2005 by Italian artist Simone Legno and his business partners Pooneh Mohajer and Ivan Arnold.
tokidoki produces apparel, footwear, accessories and other products using art, iconic characters and the tokidoki logo designed by Simone Legno, including purses, t-shirts, vinyl figures, jewellery, and small toys. - Wikipedia. 

Being a lover of all things cute, Tokidoki really captured my heart and my vinyl toy collection is 90% made up of Tokidoki items from the cactus friends to unicorno's! would love to be able to add the Moofia to these in time! (especially Latte!) 

Simone Lengo is a genius and this is shown with his collaborations with companies like Sanrio (hello kitty), Marvel, Skull candy, Barbie along with many others! The company is endorsed by so many celebrities even being featured in 'No love - lil wayne feat Eminem. 

 The tattooed Barbie caused controversy all over the world as well as selling out everywhere in record time! I don't know why it caused so much uproar with parents all over the world but it did, yes it was the first Barbie to have non removable tattoo's but they had released a Barbie that had transferable tattoo's on them!  I think that this Barbie showed the way the world is moving forward years ago woman having tattoo's was a taboo and now were socially accepted to have them! The price of this Barbie showed that it was clearly a collectable item, so most purchases I can Imagine have gone to people like myself that appreciate Simone Lengo's work! Although I know my 6 year old sister would be in love with her as she loves the idea of Tattoo's since i got my first. 

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Recent purchases

My Favourite Etsy purchases since Dec/Jan (:


I've been looking for a double finger cross ring that fit's me for ages! with tiny fingers it was almost impossible so finding an adjustable one was perfect! the free ring that came with it was too big for me but my sister loves it!

Can't even describe how much I Love this necklace! It compliments so many of my outfits perfectly and the quality was better than I expected! had to stop myself from getting the same image in a different frame!

so this was actually a valentines day present, but as soon as I opened it I wanted it for myself! such a high quality product! Definitely ordering another very soon! loved the fact that there was a note on the back of the business card, added a personal touch to the order!

My most recent purchase, I'm a sucker for anything cute and if you know me you'll know that I can't resist anything that's remotely adorable! I love this design, defiantly going to fit in well with my handbag.